Monday, September 28, 2015

What did I accomplish this year?

So I am finally starting a BLOG! I guess its about time it being one of the things I have wanted to do but just never got around to doing.  I just turned 47 last week and was reminded that another year has gone by and I still have not accomplished much of anything! I still have not lost any weight, weight I have been trying to loose but seem to only put on since 1999!  And since about 2007 I have been telling myself I am going to workout everyday but nope that never happened although there were plenty of attempts at starting but never following through.  And now I hope I am not the only one with this next problem but we moved into or new home almost 3 years ago and in the master bedroom there is a cute sitting room a place that I had so many ideas for when we looked at buying this home and this is what it looks like  

Yup,  those are still moving boxes I have no idea what is in them I just seem to keep walking past it everyday saying "Suzie you need to put this stuff away and do something with this room".  Well hello its been 3 years!! And you know I have no excuses in fact I have no excusses for any of these things and plenty more I have not told you about!

Now I am a stay at home mom of two Hannah is 16 and Austin 13 both being the center and joy of my life. I keep a clean and well decorated home, I love to cook so no one ever goes without, everyone has clean clothes to wear and my husband who is the love of my life comes home each night happy to be home from a long day at work.  So you can say I am doing a few things right in my life but for me I want to REALLY feel like as each year goes by that I did more than be a good wife and mother but accomplished something more something that made me feel good about me.  So I think this is where we start by keeping a blog! I hope to write or post something everyday good or bad about my thoughts, life and accomplishments for this year and hopefully the years that follow.

I am off to weigh myself which and as much as I don't want to put out there for the whole world to see I will post tomorrow! Oh and I am going to go see whats in those boxes?



R. Robertson said...

47!!!!! That is sooooooo old. Haha I say paint the room yellow and blue stripes, put a giant bean bag in there and a nice TV and a little fridge with diet soda.

Loganr said...
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